Sometimes the budget turns out to be a bitter enemy; at other times there is the freedom to be able to move more easily…but I can tell you frankly that you don’t need colossal budgets to organise an elegant, fun and detailed wedding. You and your friends make the difference and will make it unique!
When a couple decides to get married, you can get swept away with fantasies and getting back to a realistic place is not always easy… controlling it is no longer an obvious thing. Its great allies are the internet with Pinterest where every little detail you are looking for can be found (fortunately not only top luxury versions but also for lower budgets); then there are Instagram and Facebook where we manage to discover all the secrets of royal weddings, weddings of actors and the stars of past and present. We never want to be anything less…at least with your imagination let us explore this world made of all that we grew up with, because from the roots of our wildest fantasies, the great classics are born!
However, whilst we may have re-evaluated the figure of the prince, we would not want to lose the idea of a fairy tale wedding… fairy tale does not mean arriving at the altar in a meringue shaped dress on a chariot led by mice transformed in to white horses. Everyone has their own fairy tale made of colours, perfumes, flowers, details, the choice of a particular theme…and everyone would like their fairy tale to become reality

Jimmy Choo
Angel shoes

However, we must be concrete and come to terms with what your budget is and understand first of all what the fundamental aspects are for you. There are those that invest a lot in flowers and decorations by choosing a particular flower that gives an extra touch to all the arrangements. For other couples it is important to have a live band and a DJ who can raise the roof. For others however the choice of location is the basis of everything; others focus on if they can have a certain short, each couple has their priorities and we must work on these. From the perspective of a Wedding Planner I can help you understand where you can save money, which suppliers to contact, where to better invest your budget. Often the couple is abroad or overworked and cannot keep up with everything. For this reason, having a Wedding Planner with whom you can establish a relationship of trust and who can also follow these aspects will make you get to the wedding day much more relaxed.

Burgundy, ping ande white
Under the arches of Gubbio
Last touches

Here are some tips for those who have decided (for one reason or another) to limit the budget for the wedding:

Reduced guest list

The largest slice of the budget goes on the menu and since no one ever drops the dinner prepared with all the trimmings (thankfully), I highly recommend you make a move in the right direction. Reduce your guest list by inviting only the people you care about most…this nice thought process will help you make your selection!

Pick flowers that are in season

But don’t make the mistake of thinking that choosing seasonal flowers will automatically make savings. Because in May for example there are peonies, which are among the most expensive flowers together with the phalaenopsis orchids. Please do not think also that roses are all the same, because the David Austin roses unfortunately have very high costs…but let’s not scare ourselves guys: with my florists we make masterpieces with what nature makes available to us without having to resort by force to these fragrant goods!

Do it yourself

If you have a little dexterity or have some friends who want to help you, have fun with save the dates and invites!

A Wedding Planner that, like me, does not offer pre-packages, allows you maximum freedom of movement in choosing services and suppliers; it also give you the opportunity to save by indicating which locations, for example, do not make you pay rent with a minimum number of guests, or those places where the floral arrangements are also included in the menu cost. In short, if you have a reduced budget, the Wedding Planner is the one that will save you money by making you pay attention on where to invest your money or not.